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Meet Our Team

Rabbi Avi Rogin

Rabbi Rogin has taught students for many years at varied levels. With a deep understanding of what talmidim need, Rabbi Rogin is the power behind the concepts and development of TRC.

Rabbi Binyamin Plotzker

Rabbi Plotzker has been involved in the field of chinuch for over 20 years with vast experience teaching talmidim of all ages. With an intuitive knowledge of what students require, his materials are used throughout the globe.

Rabbi Levi Goldwasser

Rabbi Goldwasser is a beloved Rebbi,
known for his exciting and magnetic teaching style and personality. The energy he brings to his lessons and classroom is evident in this masterful Hakoneis video series.

Rabbi Yaakov Gifter

Rabbi Gifter has had experience laining for over 30 years. On a single Shabbos, he can lain in multiple minyanim, one after another. He is well known for his dikduk ha'osios and clear laining style.


From HoRav Shmuel Kamenetsky shlit"a
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